
Ava's Demon Book Two: Aftermath

Created by Michelle Fus

Ava’s Demon is a webcomic about a girl named Ava and the demon haunting her. Help me continue her adventures!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

STRETCH GOAL UNLOCKED! Archival Print 2-Pack + Bonus Strategos Six Card! + Next Stretch Goal: AVA’S COLORING BOOK! + Gil’s Wednesday Giveaways Winner! + Win a SIGNED 1st Printing of Book 1!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 11:42:10 PM


Another one bites the dust! That’s the 11th stretch goal unlocked in just two weeks! We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: AVA’S DEMON fans are UNSTOPPABLE! Thank you so, so much! Let’s have a look at what we’ve just unlocked AND reveal what’s next... gah, we’re so psyched!

STRETCH GOAL UNLOCKED: Archival Print 2-Pack + Strategos Six Bonus Card!

Every physical book pact will now receive this 6”x8” two-pack of archival prints AND everyone who backs the COLLECTOR PACT or higher will now receive a bonus 5th card in their set: STRATEGOS SIX! Take a look!

 If you want to get your hands on one of these awesome STRATEGOS SIX cards, be sure to back one of the tiers that contains the collectible card set! That's the COLLECTOR'S PACT tier or higher! 


Ava doing their best Bob Ross.

Now onto our next stretch goal reveal – this one’s a BIG ONE! When we unlock the next goal, we’ll do a print run of this AVA’S DEMON coloring book and make it available for purchase as an add-on! This book contains 40 (!!!) original black and white Ava’s Demon illustrations by Michelle Fus, printed single-sided on high-quality paper, ready to be colored by YOU!

Yes, we’ll take twenty of these please.

All of us here at TITAN HQ are hard at work finalizing the specs on this book so we’re not quite ready to reveal the price just yet, but it’s looking like somewhere between $20-25 + shipping. We’ll aim to reveal the official price when we hit our goal, so... help us get there by spreading the good word far and wide!


ALSO It’s Wednesday which’s time for our next edition of GIL’S GIVEAWAYS! Since you’ve continued to show your faithfulness to TITAN,  Gil wanted to make sure to reward all of you with another new surprise, but first let’s show some love for last week’s winner!

SOCIAL CHALLENGE #2 Winner Announced!

We here at TITAN HQ had another mission for TITAN’s beloved followers and you all CRUSHED it.  In just under 2 days you met our goal and then continued to raise awareness of TITAN’s light! 

In case you missed your reward last week, you can download your free wallpapers HERE

Now it’s time to announce the winner of the limited Inner Demons: Art of Michelle Fus with a signed bookplate – *DRUMROLL PLEASE* 


Congratulations!! Make sure your DMs are open – someone from TITAN HQ aka Skybound will be contacting you to get your information!

 SOCIAL CHALLENGE #3 – Win More Digital Wallpapers + a Signed First Edition of Ava’s Demon Book One: Reborn! 

Followers of TITAN! We once again need your assistance to execute the next special mission to spread the light of our fearless leader across the universe! Please retweet the link below, follow @Skybound and @AvasDemon, and we will reward you handsomely. This time though we’re upping the ante, since you all went above and beyond last time. In order to unlock your reward, we need 200 followers to help complete the mission!


Completing this mission of 200 RTs will unlock another set of 5 digital wallpapers to be enjoyed by all of TITAN’S Followers PLUS you have the chance to win a signed copy of AVA’S DEMON BOOK ONE: REBORN!This is the first edition of book one that was included in the AVA’S DEMON: REBORN campaign and will pair perfectly with any physical book pact you’ve backed!

Terms & Conditions here! Winners must live in the Continental US.


AND tomorrow we reveal our next add-on that we hinted at last week – do you think you guessed what it was? Check back tomorrow to find out for yourself!

Until next time...keep sharing this EPIC campaign...


-Ava’s Demon Team

[email protected] is standing by to answer your questions!

Over 4000 Backers! WRATHIA PATCH SET Revealed on Chipi’s Thursday Transmissions! + Limited Pacts are GONE!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 11:41:42 PM

Followers of TITAN!

Happy Thursday! How are you all doing?? Over here at TITAN HQ, we've crossed 430k, with 4050 backers, and we are well on our way toward unlocking AVA’S COLORING BOOK! All aboard the hype train!! Here's what that looks like, in case you missed yesterday's post -- it's GORGEOUS!

Speaking of hype, Chipi is just as astounded as we are by how much we’ve accomplished, which is why we’re back with another...


We received word from Chipi on another add-on and we’re beyond excited to reveal it to you all! Unlike last week we don’t have as many puns but that’s just because this add-on is unbelievably cool – even though you might need heat to apply it?

Okay...we tried. Anyway, check out these beautifully designed 5'' iron-on patches!

Mockup Only
Mockup Only

These patches include an ethereal Wrathia, looking like the ruler she is, as well as a split pink and yellow heart signifying the pact between Ava and Wrathia. You might even notice that Ava is wearing the same patch on the coloring book cover! Ahh they’re both just so gorgeous!! Stop us now or we’ll continue to talk about them forever. Special shout out to the amazing  MINH for their help with the Wrathia patch! 

These patches are iron-on for those of us who are not the best of sewers, but you COULD sew them on, that choice is completely up to you! Regardless of how you’re going to adhere them, these patches will draw everyone’s attention – so whether they’re on a tote bag or a jean jacket – you can show off YOUR inner demon!

If you want to add both these patches to your collection you can do so by adding $20 to your pledge right now! By doing so you will have credit for when the campaign ends to get your patches PLUS it helps everyone who’s backed so far to unlock that next stretch goal! Please note there will also be a very small additional shipping fee associated with this and all add-ons. 

Let us know how you’re going to display your brand-new patches with pride by leaving a comment below!


We told you they’d sell out! For now, we're completely out of the LIMITED PACTS which include the archival prints - but sometimes pledges do get dropped, so keep an eye out in case one of these coveted slots opens up again! 

Until next time.... keep sharing that campaign page so we can get to that sweet, sweet coloring book...


The Ava’s Demon Team

Reach out to us at [email protected] with any more in depth questions. We’ll make sure to get back to you during business hours (9am-5pm PT) within one business day.

Two Weeks Left! Nearly 4000 Backers! + TITAN’S TUESDAY TALES: Ava’s Demon Sketch Journal BTS! + Only 12 Limited Pacts Left!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 02:40:47 AM

Followers of TITAN!

Since launch, you’ve all been coming out in FULL FORCE, making this one of the most successful graphic novel and webcomic Kickstarters of the year, with over 418K pledged and nearly 4000 backers! PLUS, we still have TWO weeks left to reveal the final FOUR stretch goals, two more add-ons, two more giveaways, and maybe a couple more fun surprises along the way... so thank you SO MUCH for spreading the word of TITAN far and wide! Here at TITAN HQ, we will continue to deliver the best campaign possible! You deserve nothing less!

6K From Printsville & Card City! 

Right now, we’re just $6K away from unlocking the archival 2-pack prints and the Strategos Six Trading card! Will we hit it today? Tomorrow? Who knows?! But when we do, we'll be able to announce our next COLORFUL stretch goal which we're SO excited to show you! Was that a hint? Maybe...Maybe not – but the way things are going, it won’t be long before you’ll find out!

TITAN’S TUESDAY TALES – Ava's Demon Sketch Journal!

Last week we showed our first behind the scenes look, and today we’re back with another Titan’s Tuesday Tales, this time featuring the Ava’s Demon Sketch Journal!

Below you can see screenshots of the process Michelle went through to create the cover design for the beautiful 200-page hardcover journal. Starting from a sketch, moving to line work, adding color, and making sure every detail is perfect.

Here you can see the initial sketch that Michelle made. Ava sitting criss-cross while holding a watering can!

Then they move onto doing the line art for the sketch, giving Ava a more solid look.

Now Michelle has added some flat colors and a lush background. 

Now the art is starting to look more like the final cover, all the plants are getting their shading and Ava looks like the Ava we know and love!

Finally, Michelle provided these awesome end sheets to go inside each journal! 

Then Skybound designers Andres Juarez and Jillian Crab got to work on the design, and the hard work really paid off because the final product is just stunning! Look how it all came together in the end!

We can't wait to get one of these sketch journals to draw in, write in, or even put stickers in! You might even be one of those people who buys journals but can’t use them because they’re too pretty...we're guilty of that, too – but if you want to get your hands on THIS amazing item, just back any DRAWING PACT tier or higher! We hope it inspires you to create something yourself! 


Speaking of cool items, there are only TWELVE of the Limited Pacts left! These come with the gorgeous journal above, as well as hand signed and numbered archival prints below. Ava and Odin look out of this world in their respective jackets, not to mention how COOL the triplets look, so ensure your pact before they’re all gone!

We’ll be back with our final Titan’s Tuesday Tales next week! Until then... keep sharing the campaign and help us get to 4000 Followers...


-Ava’s Demon Team

PS. If you’ve got any questions just drop us a line in the comments but remember to never post any personal information! Those inquiries can go to [email protected].

Happy Halloween! + FREE PRINTS & BONUS CARD Within Reach! + It’s Pact-Maker Monday!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 01, 2022 at 12:45:04 AM


Some people may get tricks, but we've got nothing but treats here at TITAN HQ! On Friday, we were knocking on the door of $400k pledged and then over the weekend, you all kicked down the door with a ferocity we truly did not expect! We’re now sitting at over 413k, which means we’re just under 12k until we unlock a FREE Archival Print 2-Pack for all physical book backers plus this incredible STRATEGOS SIX DnD card for all COLLECTOR'S PACT backers and higher that’s sure to become a hot item in the years to come! 

We will reveal the back of the STRATEGOS SIX card when it is unlocked!

Pact-Maker Monday! New Ava’s Demon Fan Art!

We here at TITAN HQ celebrate ALL Followers, but for Pact-Maker Monday we want to highlight a few amazing artists among your ranks! 

First up, a look into the future with this INCREDIBLE "Older Odin" piece by the amazing NAVA! 


Next, an adorable Ava rendering by the ultra-talented Erin Davis. 


Be sure to use #AvasDemon on social and follow @skybound and @avasdemon if you want your art featured in a future update!

Since it’s Halloween, drop a comment below letting us know who you’re dressing up as (bonus points if it’s an Ava’s Demon character) and reach out to us at [email protected] with any more in depth questions (especially anything involving billing, your order numbers or confidential information). We’ll make sure to get back to you during business hours (9am-5pm PT) within one business day.


We have just FOUR GOALS LEFT to reveal, and we’d LOVE IT if we could reveal at least one of them this week, so please consider upgrading to a higher tier and/or share the campaign with other Followers across the universe!

Until tomorrow, have a SPOOKTACULAR Halloween...


The Ava’s Demon Team

MISSION from TITAN HQ COMPLETE: 5 More Free Digital Wallpapers! + Enter to Win A Signed MICHELLE FUS Artbook! + Wrathia’s Friday Findings: Tuls Trading Card!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 01:56:58 PM

Followers of TITAN!

We were already super excited for our news today, but waking up to see that now we’ve got 3700 backers from around the world and you’ve all pledged nearly $400k?? That’s wild!! We’re just 6k away from unlocking the FINAL THREE bonus comics below AND we have more good’ve already fulfilled our second mission to spread the glorious word of our beloved TITAN!


Within the first 48 hours you all exceeded TITAN's mission, so...

Click here to claim your reward!

As with last mission, it’s not too late to spread the word of TITAN! By doing so you have a chance of winning the extremely rare art book from the last campaign – INNER DEMONS: ART OF MICHELLE FUS – with a signed bookplate.

All you have to do is RT the link below and follow @Skybound and @AvasDemon to be entered to win!

 Click here to fulfill the mission! (and be entered to win)

Terms & Conditions here! Winners must live in the Continental US.


Let us continue to DEMONstrate our appreciation for you by kicking off WRATHIA'S FRIDAY FINDINGS (what can we say, we love our alliteration) as our new weekly Friday feature where we find out more about her trusted warriors’ skills – well, in regard to their trading cards, which are exclusively available in the COLLECTOR’S PACT tier or higher!

Today, we learn more about the morose Tuls Tenebrose...including he strengths AND weaknesses!

Tuls always seems so sullen, but apparently he can be good in a fight if he chooses to be...We don’t know about you, but we would not want to stand in the way of him and his true love. It’s always the quiet ones isn’t it?

So in-between discussing how you would utilize Tuls in a fight, don’t forget to share your love for Ava’s Demon Book Two on social media with #AvasDemon and help us bust through even more stretch goals!

And if you haven’t already, make sure to upgrade to the COLLECTOR’S PACT or higher to ensure you get this set of trading cards, plus it will help us close the gap to the next stretch goal. Trust us you’ll want to have the full set, especially once we announce what we have in store for the next stretch goal...

Until next time... keep sharing the campaign with all your friends, family, true loves, and maybe even some enemies...


-Ava’s Demon Team

Please reach out to us at [email protected] with any more in depth questions. We’ll make sure to get back to you during business hours (9am-5pm PT) within one business day.